Schoonbee Landgoed is within the Loskop Valley, renowned for its unique elements of biodiversity. The passionate team at the farm aims to harmonize farming operations and nature by continuously striving to achieve synergy between their agricultural activities and the indigenous environment. This is accomplished by meticulous management of the natural resources in a sustainable and responsible manner.
South Africa is the 30th driest country in the world [according to the SA’s Department of Environmental Affairs], so with limited water resources the quantity and quality of fresh water is imperative for a healthy harvest and the overall wellbeing of our surrounding environment.
Schoonbee Landgoed applies the following precautions to ensure protection of the environment:
- Limited harsh chemicals are present in the production of our crops.
- Implementation of computerized drip irrigation to ensure effective water uptake consequently ensuring 30% less water usage
- Conservation areas – where the natural habitat is left in certain parts of the farm for the natural movement of fauna and flora.
- Extensive foreign vegetation removal to preserve water and biodiversity.
- Prohibition of unlicensed hunting.
- Implementation of measures to prevent the grazing of game in ecologically sensitive areas.
- Detailed environmental impact assessments done on a regular basis.
- The installation of solar powered water geysers in staff accommodation.