Health, community & wellbeing
1. Health & wellbeing
- HalleluYah Primary Health Care Clinic where primary health care services are delivered; injuries on duty managed and referred; and the health of current and prospective employees monitored.
- Full-time nursing sister.
- Health workers: Trained in collaboration with the Department of Health.
- First aid training for workers.
- Annual Momentum health assessments to monitor each personnel member’s wellbeing.
2. Community
- Schoonbee Landgoed funds the annual Amazing Graces training camp hosted in Groblersdal. During the camp, community leaders are equipped with a solid moral foundation and relevant life-skills. Through the uniquely designed Curriculum and projects they address the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of young South Africans. Subjects presented include the following:
– Biblical foundations
– Democracy education
– Reading clubs
– Vegetable gardening
– Financial management
– Leadership - The farm continuously also supports various community institutions in the Loskop Valley including local schools, nursing homes etc.