Sharing the Abundance of the Loskop Valley

- 3rd March 2023

Schoonbee Landgoed is committed to improving the dignity of our local Loskop community through various economic initiatives. This philosophy began with our founder, Gert Schoonbee (06.02.1929 – 11.11.2011). During the 1950s he organised the local farmers into study groups to tackle the shortcomings preventing of the farmers in the Loskop Valley from prospering. In the 1960s his vision assisted with the extension of the Loskop Dam wall which minimized the full impact of the droughts in 1985 and 2016.

Building on our commitment over the past 50 years, Schoonbee Landgoed drives several interesting commercial community initiatives. Peace Table Grapes is an established skill transfer partnership with the first black female-owned producers of table grapes. Project Change is a large-scale shared value initiative focused on the primary production of table grapes and citrus while providing job opportunities, primary health care and supporting education.

Made in the Loskop Valley

Schoonbee Landgoed believes in inspiring the people in our communities and building a remarkable nation by transforming adversities into hope, problems into opportunities and trials into triumph. Making a difference in our society and local communities as a whole is integral to our business philosophy. We are proud to share the abundance of Loskop Valley with the rest of South Africa.

Made with Love, Infused with Joy

Schoonbee Landgoed’s first “Made in the Loskop Valley” collaboration was with Larissa Kamstra who developed our popular Lamonne Sugar Body Scrub. Larissa Kamstra is a young entrepreneur who shares her family’s love for natural, healthy products that are handmade with loving care.

True to her entrepreneurial spirit, Larissa made use of all resources available to her to develop the Lamonne product range fully to include an array of products that feature lemons from the Schoonbee farm and honey from the Schoonbee beekeeper.

In this way, Larissa is able to promote job creation and stimulate the economy in the Loskop Valley.

Living Goodness in a Bottle

Our kombucha is lovingly handcrafted in small batches by Annelise van der Linden of Divine Wellness in the Loskop Valley.  Annelise is a business owner and has a passion for healthy living and natural well-being. She discovered the benefits of Kombucha from her sister in Ireland who struggled with an autoimmune disease and poor metabolism from gluten sensitivity.

Annelise prepares our bespoke range of Craft Kombucha exclusively for Schoonbee Landgoed using authentic methods from mineral water and black tea. Made with care in glass vats to capture the characteristic light fizz and tangy taste, the beverage is infused with sun-kissed mandarins, fresh blueberries or pomegranate and a dash of lemon from our farm.

Time-honoured and Traditional

Boerseep is a time-honoured soap that has a rich history and origins dating back hundreds of years. The traditional recipe and versatile soap have been treasured throughout generations. Boerseep is naturally a biodegradable and eco-friendly product. This pure and versatile soap contains no harmful additives and is greywater safe. Boerseep boasts great conditioning and whitening properties and is suitable for all types of skin and general cleaning.

Schoonbee Landgoed’s Boerseep is exclusively handcrafted by Corne Botha from VELD Boerseep. Corne uses the same pot that has been used to make boerseep on the family farm in the neighbouring mountains for four generations. Corne is a natural entrepreneur, and her mission is to make environment friendly, healthy soap available to as many people as possible. Her belief is that we can make a difference to our health if we all try to use less chemicals and more natural products.

Read about Corne and how our boerseep is made.

Crisp, Colourful Citrus Slices

With the abundance of export-grade citrus grown on the farm, combined with the logistic constraints of international trade after the Covid pandemic, Schoonbee Landgoed began experimenting with dehydrating citrus fruit as a way to mitigate the risk of food waste.

The team was very excited by the results of our research and product development, and we are happy to offer our Premium Dehydrated Citrus Slices for wholesale purchase.

Pure, Unprocessed Honey

Schoonbee Landgoed made a conscious decision to have resident bees on our farm in Groblersdal to remind all the people who work and stay on the farm of the sensitive nature of the environment. Even though we have multiple international accreditations that govern the way in which we function within our environment, we took the challenge to have resident bees as nature’s testimony of how well we are performing in this.

Our resident beekeeper, Dirk, is one of our Production Managers during the day, applying his excellent interpersonal and leadership skills to looking after the hundreds of people harvesting crops during the citrus and grape seasons. His passion for beekeeping was instilled by his father and his passion for making honey is inspiring.

Read about a Year in the Life of Our Beekeeper to learn about the highs and lows we faced to bring you pure, raw, non-irradiated and unprocessed honey.

Rich, Buttery, Locally Sourced Pecan Nuts

Schoonbee Landgoed’s Pecan Nut Halves are produced on local soil in Groblersdal, Limpopo by Willem van der Merwe from the farm Origin. These Pecan Nuts are cultivated from a very specific cultivar that is in high demand internationally for its eating quality and size.

Willem is an entrepreneur by nature, and actively engages in the future development of pecan nut production in the Loskop Valley. Willem also supports other entrepreneurial ventures, making the partnership with the Schoonbee Landgoed online shop an ideal fit. Schoonbee Landgoed is proud to partner with Origin Farms to bring these export-grade Pecan Nuts from the Loskop Valley direct to consumers, nationwide.

Read more about our nutrient rich pecan nuts. These same pecan nuts are used to make our truly unique Pecan Nut Butter.



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